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Labor Rate: $105 per hour

Water Heater Maintence

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Residential Plumbing

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Plumbing Maintenance

Royalty Plumbing Van
July 17, 2024
Managing Water Pressure in Las Vegas Valley: A Seasonal Challenge

As temperatures rise in the summer, so does the demand for water in the Las Vegas Valley. To meet the increased water usage during these hot months, the Las Vegas…

May 2, 2024
Should You Buy a Tankless Water Heater for Your Las Vegas Home?

The average water heater lasts for 10-15 years. That said, many Las Vegas homeowners are wondering if a tankless heater is worth the cost. Moreover, how is it different from…

Royalty Plumbing
April 1, 2024
The Role of a Quality Plumbing System

A quality plumbing system provides access to clean, potable water for various household activities. A quality plumbing system is essential for maintaining proper home hygiene. These systems comprise a network…

March 2, 2024
Common Plumbing Solutions

While some plumbing problems can be resolved by the homeowner, others may require professional expertise. All homeowners eventually run into plumbing problems. While most plumbing problems start with minor symptoms,…

February 1, 2024
Water Conservation Tips for Sustainable Living

Although water is a necessity, more often than not, many use it wastefully. Consequently, the demand for more water strains freshwater resources such as rivers and aquifers. Worse still, the…

January 1, 2024
Understanding Smart Toilets

This article discusses what these innovative toilets can do and the possible drawbacks of owning one. Smart Toilet Features Explained Fully automated, multifunctional toilets allow ease of use. They are…

December 1, 2023
Avoiding Plumbing Emergencies During the Holidays

During the holiday season, families spend a lot of time in the kitchen and host guests and relatives in their homes. In many cases, this change places more pressure on…

November 15, 2023
Emergency Plumber for a Clogged Drain

Several DIY fixes can address a clogged drain, though results can be inconsistent. Facing plumbing issues can vary from mundane to severe. Beyond simple leaks, some issues carry more risk,…

November 15, 2023
How to Keep a Plumbing System in Top Shape

One of the surest ways to prevent a plumbing nightmare in the home is to check for leaks Plumbing systems are prone to issues that arise at the most inconvenient…